Monday, March 17, 2014

Collaborative Storytelling

First, you will be paired with another person from your class.

Next, you will visit this website: Check out this Cool Website from NPR about their ‘Three-Minute Fiction’ Series

Classroom Discussion:

  • What is fiction?
  • What do you think fiction tries to accomplish?
  • Why do people read fiction?
  • Can you tell a good story in 3 minutes?

You are going to write a 3 Minute Fiction Story in a Google Document - THE CATCH! You cannot talk to each other while writing this story. You must use chat/discussion feature in docs or set up a Twiddla meeting.

Writing Prompts:

  • Finders Keepers
  • A work of fiction inspired by a photograph
  • A work that revolves around a US President
  • More? Discuss.

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