Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Three Minute Future Fiction Podcast Introduction

Classroom Discussion:
  • What is fiction?
  • What kinds of fiction are there?
  • What do you think fiction tries to accomplish?
  • Why do people read fiction?
  • Can you (or someone) tell a good story in 3 minutes?
Begin Writing 3 Minute Future Story

MUST’s for 3 Minute Future Story
  • Must be 2:30-3:00 minutes in length when read (practice!) – Stories over three minutes will not qualify in any way
  • Must make sense (no overly silly stories)
  • Must stick with one of the writing prompts given
  • Must be realistic
  • Must be written in a Google Document and Proofed by another student
  • Must be recorded on your PC and turned in to Mr. Miles at a later time
There will be a rubric to follow for the final product

Writing Prompts:
  • Three Minute Future
  • What will the world be like in the near future
What Podcasts Need!
  • Narration of 3 Minute Science Fiction Story
  • Introduction/Outro Music
    • freeplaymusic
  • Saved in Movie Maker as .mp4
  • Dropped in Google Drive Computer Tech folder

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